Kentucky Forestry Economic Impact Report

Forests cover nearly half the state of Kentucky and are the foundation of a forest sector that is a major economic force in the Commonwealth. This web page contains the latest Kentucky forest sector economic contribution estimates, prior estimates, links to data sources and methods, as well as additional information related to the economic importance of Kentucky’s forest resources.

The 2020 estimates for the economic contribution of Kentucky’s forest sector include:

  • $9.55 billion in direct economic contribution
  • $$13.97 billion in total economic contributions
  • $27,000 jobs in the forest sector and an estimated
  • $53,000 jobs overall

The Kentucky Forest Sector is divided into six sub-sectors: Logging, Primary Wood Manufacturing, Pulp and Paper, Secondary Wood Manufacturing, Paper Converters Wood Residue Each of these sub-sectors is comprised of one or more forest industries except for the Pulp and Paper sub-sector which consists of only paper mills in Kentucky. 


Kentucky Forest Product Industry Directory


With the Primary and Secondary Wood Industries directories combined, we are now able to offer you a searchable online directory/database for Kentucky’s forest products industry and the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Of course, you may still view the directories separately in a .pdf format by clicking on one of the links below.

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The Forest Industry - Southeast Kentucky

The button below this content is a video produced by UK College of Agriculture, Dept. of Forestry. This video highlights what happens to a tree from the woods to the final wood product. Many 全球十大赌钱软件app members are interviewed during this video. This is a very educational, informative video.

UK Video


University of Kentucky College of Agriculture have put together a very informative and educational video about the wood products industry in Kentucky. Many 全球十大赌钱软件app members in southeast Kentucky are featured in this video.

This video gives a little insight into the wood products industry.  Please take a moment to watch the 10 minute video and learn more about the wood industry in southeast Kentucky.

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